I have some pics from when Beau, Mike, and Nate were down for the youth revival at the beginning of the month. I figured I'd go ahead and try to put a few of the on here. It worked! Yay! The guys arrived on that Thursday afternoon. The pics of Nathan and Bro. Mike are from just after they arrived. On Friday Zach, Micah, and I showed Beau around town and then we went to the Crewe Railroad Museum (big name for little place). There are railroad cars there that you can climb all over and take pics of and on. We had a lot of fun and got a little camera happy there. On Saturday Tim, Critter, and Adam came over and we played football. We went to the Church after a late lunch and played basketball then we all got cleaned up and ready for church that night. After service we had supper and said goodbye to our Roanoke and Catawba visitors. The next day was Sunday. Some of our young people came home from church with us and we hung around until we left for service that night. My aunt and cousin drove over from the coast to surprise my mammaw. We had snacks after church and then we went to my Pappaw and Mammaw's to play a little bit of Rook before heading back to the house. Beau, Mike, and Nathan left to go home to Florida around five the next morning. We really enjoyed our visit with them and the revival that Brother Beau preached for us. I hadn't really said much about the revival earlier so I thought I'd talk about it some now that I had pics! Anyway I need to go. ~Goodbye~
6 years ago
Hey, Charity! Great pictures. I especially like the last one--and the one of the couch crowd. I can't believe what a handsome young MAN Beau Cox has turned into! Good grief, when did that happen?!
Beau handsome? Ha! Don't tell him that or what little modesty he has will go down the drain!
Hey Charity,
You forgot to put little in CAPS.
Very funny. Who is this? Beau is that you? Or do I have some other person with a sarcastic sense of humor lurking around here?
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