Thursday, September 17, 2009

I'm Back!!!

Ok I was given a not too subtle hint at the Assembly about needing to blog again so here I go. My summer was extremely busy. Camp was great. The Lord did a wonderful work in the young people. Sister Kim Taylor was our evangelist and she brought Josh Yohe, Chelsei Henderson, and Morgan and Chandler Fox along as a ministry team with her. Everything came together for the gleaner class. Johnna did an awesome job as the teacher and the kids seemed to genuinely enjoy the things I got together to supplement the lessons with. It seemed so strange this year. All of the kids I'd grown up going to camp with were all either working camp or unable to be there because of a job. I guess we are all growing up. I'm starting to feel old. Not really old just I remember thinking people my age were old when I was little. I'm going to be 20. Twenty!!! I used to think life ended when you turned 20 now I'm pretty sure it doesn't but I can't believe how fast life flies by. I came home from camp and by the end of the next week I headed down to South Carolina. I helped Vanessa and Jacob out with their 4 kids for about 2-3 weeks. They were cleaning some apartments in Clemson. It was the turn around season when the apartments are all cleaned and painted and any problems taken care of. So I took care of Carter(8), Emily(5), Hailey(3), and Addyson(8 months). This was basically from the time they left early early in the morning till whenever they came in that night usually around 1-2 in the morning. I learned how to handle a baby and catch a nap and get work done while the baby slept. It didn't take long to figure out that's the only way anything gets done when there's a baby in the house. I did most of the straightening up after I got all the kids down for the night. Although I will freely admit that I was not able to keep the house nearly as clean as I did last November before Addyson was born! It's unbelievable how much a baby changes things. Well I came back home and was there a couple weeks then came Assembly. Beau was unable to come this year because of Fire School. That was really strange. We really missed him a lot. I was very busy this year during the assembly. Sister Wantulock asked us to be in charge of the ushering for Children's assembly again and she also asked our family to do a message for Children's Assembly one day. So that took up every afternoon session and the morning session the day we had to do the message. Then I was Registrar this year and was on duty two other morning sessions this Assembly. Lunch breaks are always busy between choir practice and workers meetings for Children's Assembly and the Mission Luncheon. Then to top it all off dad and Zach were sick. Then the Cox's got sick and Micah, Bethany, and I started coming down with whatever Josh had. So dad and Josh didn't make it to the assembly several sessions. Then we all skipped Saturday morning session and slept in because we were all so worn out. Then the choir had to sing Friday night and Saturday night. Friday night Brother Brad drafted us to help with the baptismal service. Bethany, Micah, and I provided reverent music behind the stage where everyone who was getting baptized had to wait at. Zach and Daniel cleaned up all the water and Mom and Dad helped people in and out of the baptistery. Then we had to sing on the preliminary music program one morning and Brother Horton asked Mom to lead song service one night and she asked him if she could get me to help her and he told her yes. So then the first night(no pressure there) Mom, Bethany, and I ended up leading song service. Oh yeah I forgot that Bethany, Sissy Muse, Esther Orellana, and I were all in the Parade of Nations this year too. Then Mom's friend Dodie who she was roommates with years ago before she married Dad was able to come this year and stayed with us. Or rather she shared a room with Esther and her mother who stayed at the same hotel as the Cox's the Muses', and us. There was a boys room and Micah stayed there every night with the Cox boys. The Assembly was pretty good I guess but I didn't feel that great and was kind of out of it. I did enjoy all the Cox and Muse kids. I will enjoy listening to all the messages again now that I can enjoy them. I am still not feeling that great. I have been running a fever and generally feeling pretty yucky ever since I got home. I'm feeling a lot better but I still feel pretty yucky. I'm congested and that always makes you feel pretty nasty. I think my fever has broken though so that's good. Zach went home with the Cox's he got a job with Brother Deel and will be staying down there at least through December. Anyway I think that's about it for now. Is that okay Sister Tammy... Whoops I shouldn't have given you away ;-p Love ya!


Tammy Washburn said...

hahahhahaahahs! No darlin' doesn't end at 20 ;) :) It's just beginning!

It doesn't even end at 40 or 50 or....Ha!

Glad to see you & your family at the Assembly!

Pray you feel better.

Lil Debby said...

Hey Ya'll lol

Sister Charity said...

Yay I made Sister Tammy laugh! Hello yourself Miss Bethany