Friday, March 20, 2009

Nothing to Blog

Yep that's pretty much it. I have nothing to blog about. We have no little kids to inspire hilarious stories, no remodeling to report on, and no Church events to tell of. Basically school and work has been the norm. Dad's been sick. Oh Bethany and Daniel had their birthdays. Bethany's was last Sunday and all the church kids were supposed to come over to our house for a little party. For the first time I can ever remember not a single kid was at church Sunday. They were all sick!!! That is something at our church. Never before have they all been sick or gone at the same time. So Bethany just had adults at her birthday. Dad spent all day Sunday in bed sick. He was running a high fever. He was miserable. You could tell he was because when Pappaw teased him about missing church he didn't even crack a smile. Wednesday was VLB service. I've been doing one service a month and getting one of my young people to do the other one each month. It has helped them get over their "stage fright" to a certain extent. They can basically do whatever type of service they want but they have to pass everything by me before they do it. Of course only the ones who are spiritually ready to do that are asked. They have been doing a great job. Bethany did it this week. She did a short devotional and then we had a game night. We hadn't done that in quite a while and everyone seemed to enjoy it. We did a sword drill and a Bible trivia game. The Wednesday before I had done a youth service on Missions. Each one of the young people had to give a reason missions was important to them and then I spoke on "Why the Mission work is important to the VLB work. Then Sis. Gayle did a talk on "why every VLB should work for missions" and then Mom did a talk on "Why VLB's are important to the Mission work." Let me tell ya'll something my mother is not a preacher but she was sure preaching that night! It was great. Everything went together so well. I had been praying about what to do for the VLB service and I felt like the Lord was telling me Missions. Focus on Missions. Then I started thinking about how the VLB work is really just an extension of the mission work at the most basic level. And then 3 topics came to mind and then later that day our Evening Light came. As I read the Evening Light it confirmed the Mission idea. Brother Smith's message was incorporated into the service and the Lord blessed us. I was so glad i followed God's leading instead of doing hat I originally planned! God is so good to us isn't He? This week I've been doing some spring cleaning up in my room. Having a younger sister who's idea of clean is not as high as yours can be quite ttrying sometimes. This time it wasn't really messy it just needed some deep cleaning. Our closet needed some work. The clothes needed to be reorganized so I got that done. Finally late this afternoon I was able to breathe a sigh of relief and smile at my organized and neat closet. Then I made grilled chicken, salad, baked potatoes, and peas for supper. Well that's it maybe I can get Mom or dad or someone who's not watching the NCAA tournament to play Skip-Bo or Rummikub. ;-p

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