Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Hey everyone I'M POSTING!!!!

Hey everyone, I'm back. Sorry I haven't written in such a long time but no one reads my posts anyway so who cares! Though this time I might actually come up with a pretty good excuse. (or excuses?!?) How were every one's Thanksgivings? (which brings me to my first excuse....) We went to Florida for Thanksgiving and had a great time with our dear friends the Cox family. It was a lot of fun except for the fact that Abby, Ruthie, Francie, Noah, and Caleb all got sick in one form or the other. Noah had it easy he only got a cold. The last night we were there, Beau, Josh, Zach, Daniel, and I finally succeeded in pulling our often futilely attempted all nighter!!! (ok so we stayed up till all dedicated farmers and hunters are up, 4:30) Oh yeah you know how I said all the little ones got sick while we were there? Well, Bro. Jerry and Josh were sick the day we left. Then Nathan was sick the following Sunday so everyone got sick except for Beau and Sis. Betsy. We arrived home 5:30 Tuesday morning. We tend to leave late and drive all night. We did school Wednesday then Mom and Dad and micah went to Richmond for an orthodontist appointment Thursday. The rest of us kids stayed home and did school. Mom and Dad got home fairly quick and my dad told us that he had just got a call from my pappaw. My dad's oldest sister, Diane, had just passed away around 11:30 that morning. That ended school for us for a few days. We went right over to my grandparent's house to be with them then Mom and dad and mammaw and pappaw went to Richmond to be with David and the kids. Friday the family all started coming in and the family night was saturday and the funeral sunday. We had family around till the following tuesday. (That's excuse number two) Tuesday we had to go to Richmond for another ortho appointment. We did school wednesday then Thursday everyone went to Richmond except for daniel and I. Neither one of us was feeling very good, in fact I was feeling down right sick! I still felt pretty bad friday. (that's excuse number three) I'm feeling better now except I'm congested. We have all been practicing for our church play. The play is Sunday evening. Our church Banquet is saturday afternoon. It's going to be different this year, we're having Fried chicken instead of turkey or ham! (you might be southern if...) Well i think that's a fairly nice, fairly long, fairly newsy post don't ya'll? well I'll post again later when I get a chance.


Anonymous said...

You have so many excuses do you not?

Sister Charity said...

OK is that Beau or Josh. I tend to think Josh but on second thought it's probably Beau. Either way you guys of all people know my excuses are perfectly valid!