Saturday, June 09, 2007

Going, Going, Always Going

Do you guys ever feel like you're always going? Going here going there going somewhere? This week has been one of those weeks. Mom and Dad were in Richmond on Monday. Then Wednesday we had Dentists appointments. They want to pull my wisdom teeth out. then Thursday we had eye appointments and piano lessons. I remember when I first got glasses I used to forget about them and leave them all over the place. At camp, by the end of the week my councelor would ask me, "Did you remember your glasses?" I kept having to ask for permission to run back to the cabin and get my glasses. I'm so glad i got used to wearing them and don't forget them anymore! Piano lessons are now officialy over for the summer! YAY!!! Then Friday we went to Richmond again this time for my cousin Kennon's graduation. We were there all day and it was HOT! And Humid, and sticky, and miserable, and it's only spring! Today Dad, Zach, and Daniel went to Richmond to the convention center to work at the ALERT booktable at the homeschool bookfair. Then this evening Micah has a baseball game. His team is undefeated this year. Tomorrow after church is our church picnic. We have one every year. We go out to Bro. Earl and Sis. Dot's and have it out there. We have fun and it's a great chance for fellowship. Next week the older boys and dad are going to Jamestown area to work as crowd control. It's the big homeschool celebration at Jamestown next week and they asked the ALERT cadet fathers and older sons to come work crowd control. Then the week after that.... We are going to do the VBS in FL!!!!!!! That's about it. G-bye.

1 comment:

Sister Charity said...

sounds slightly familiar. :-P