Monday, October 22, 2007

A Visitor

I told my sister, Bethany, that I needed to tell everyone about our visitor and she said which one, the strange man who came and spoke or the bird. Okay I'll start at the beginning. The "strange man" was the Gideon man he came to do a boost on the Gideon work and we gave him an offering. I was talking about a little bird. We had a wren come into church at the beginning of sunday school. He sat on the window sill and watched us during sunday school. After Sunday School ended he flew up to the front of the church, behind the pulpit. Dad was the sunday scool teacher this sunday and he said that the bird was one of the best students he's had. He didn't hear a single peep out of him the whole service. :-) After the Gideon man spoke Pappaw preached. While Pappaw was preaching the bird started hopping around behind him. After a while it got up it's courage and started flying. He "buzzed" Pappaw while he was preaching. Pappaw just made a joke about it and kept preaching. Dad said the kids eyes never left the front of the building it was one time they've never been told to face forward. And absolutely no one fell asleep. After church we helped the little bird find it's way out. In other news Zach had his wisdom teeth out Friday morning. He came through the surgery fine. He's doing pretty good though he does have some swelling. This weekend is ..... YOUTH RETREAT! We are all looking forward to it. Mom is studying. She has to teach a lesson this weekend on the Fear of the Lord. How does it relate to the Finish Line racing to Glory? We can't even start the race without the fear of the Lord. Well, I'd better get going. I'll post again later. If I have anything to say......


Tammy Washburn said...

Too funny! Too bad ya'll didn't get a picture of it flying around his head. Ha!

Sister Charity said...

Unfortunately the only one who had a camera with them that day was teaching children's church.