Saturday, January 31, 2009

Nothing Comes to Mind

Have you ever sat down in front of a blank computer screen and just stared at it. Trying to figure out what in the world to entitle what you are about to write. Inevitably I find myself writing something stupid as a title. So instead of trying to come up with a decent title I decided to write exactly what was in my mind.... nothing! I have found it is hard to concentrate on blogging when my little sister has my favorite movie on in the background. You would think that as many times as I've seen it I would be tired of it. I'm not! The Princess Bride still holds my attention. The Princess Bride always reminds me of sitting in the Cox's living room with all 13 of us kids and the 5 Muse kids and watching it over and over and over again. We introduced that movie to them. Even Beau and Joshy love it! Nate can imitate the preacher saying "Marriage, marriage is what brings us together today..." He does it perfectly just like the guy on the movie. A long time ago we made Nate promise that if Tim ever got married he would say it at Tim's wedding. Bethany just put it on so if I become distracted and misspell a few words and use bad grammar you know why! Although technically I've never been the best speller or very good at grammar for that matter. No my subject has always been and will always remain math. That grand subject that always makes sense. Two and two will always equal four. I don't really remeber much of what has been going on lately. Mammaw and Pappaw have been sick and Dad has been having trouble with paracharditus again. Mammaw and Pappaw are feeling much better now but dad is still under the weather. He didn't do anything to cause it to flare up. He doesn't normally have problems if he doesn't overdo it. Anyway we got Fireproof. It is a pretty good movie. It's got a good story and it's very well made. I like it. It made it to my top movie chart. Along with Facing the Giants, The Princess Bride, and The Last Sin-Eater. They are all first-rate movies. Well at least I thought I liked it until Micah decided he wanted to be a firefighter after watching it and Beau went and joined up as a volunteer firefighter. I still like the movie. Anyway I didn't really have much to say. I guess this has been a rambling post. Sorry everyone maybe next time there will be something more interesting to read.


cokelady said...

Personally, I enjoy rambling posts. ;-) And I'm so pleased to hear that there's a new generation growing up on and enjoying The Princess Bride! Ha! That was our theme movie when I was a teenager. And by the way... by Uncle Colin used the "Maww-age" line at my cousin Grace's wedding last year. So if the minister can do it from the pulpit... tell Nate to go for it! ;-)

cokelady said...

MY Uncle Colin, that is. Guess my spelling is off tonight, too--and I don't have a movie to blame it on!

Sister Charity said...

He did it from the pulpit? That's great!